Each of the three photos that I selected represent scenes from a childlike perspective, and are meant to invoke thoughts of a simpler and more innocent time.
Composition: I posed the teacups on a white background in an unusual and unstable manner. By placing the teacups on the white background, a light and pleasant atmosphere is created. The positioning of the cups within the frame invokes both whimsy and instability. When I shot the photo, I was close to the subject and at the same level as the teacups. I thought this perspective would give a childlike feeling to the photo and to make viewers look at an ordinary subject in a new way.
Aboutness, Motivations, Method: In shooting this photo, I hoped to convey the wonder and innocence of childhood. As adults, we often get caught up in the daily struggles of life and forget to notice the details in the world around us. This photo forces the viewer to notice the details in the teacups and saucers and turns an everyday object into one of beauty.
Context: To me, this image deals with perceptions. I often get worn down by the monotony of my daily routine. I find it difficult to find the interesting and beautiful among the mundane. In this photo, I challenged myself to see things with a new perspective. This image highlights this struggle by showing the differences in the ways that children and adults see ordinary objects.
Interpretation: In class, people interpreted this as turning a formal subject into a fun playful one. They also interpreted the photo as being reminiscent of Alice and Wonderland.
Evaluation: Based on the evaluation, I think the photo conveys ideas of childlike playfulness, but I think placing the teacup photo near the card photo on the blog is more like Alice and Wonderland than I was going for.
Extension: I did a series of photos with childlike themes, but I think I will use this photo to start a series on teacups and teapots as well.
Composition: For this photo, I focused only on the jack's face and left the rest of the card blurry. I did this by getting close to the subject and manually focusing on the jack's face while it was in the center of the frame. I then moved the camera while the focus was locked, and captured the image with the jack's face focused in the corner of the image. I think the placement of the face in the lower left corner of the frame gives the photo a feeling of mystery. It is almost as if the jack knows something that the viewer does not. Blurring all but the face of the jack creates depth in the photo and adds to the mysteriousness of the image.
Aboutness, Motivations, Method: In creating this image, I hoped to give personality to an everyday, inanimate object. The face on the playing card arouses interest when it is the sole object in focus, and the odd placement of the jack's face creates a feeling that the jack may be up to something. The elements of the photo's composition almost make the jack seem mischievous. Context: To me, this photo is about the uncertainty of the future. Card games involve a high degree of chance. In the same way, we can never be certain about what the future holds for us. We have no way of knowing what we will be dealt, in games and in life. I intended the composition of the photo to invoke mystery and suspense, and for the card itself to represent an uncertain fate.
Interpretation: The class interpreted this photo as being part of an Alice in Wonderland theme, which they also found in the teacup photo above.
Evaluation: Based on the evaluation, I think I should not have placed this image near the teacup one. Perhaps that would have allowed each photo to stand alone.
Extension: I am interested in continuing to create photos that are fun and childlike. I hope to expand it to include a wider variety of subjects.
Composition: I created a playful and imaginative scene for this photo. I placed a landscape painting in the background, along with some small branches, in order to create an imaginary scene for the figurine. I placed the figurine in a candlestick to give the image a playful tone. I tried to imagine the way the scene would appear if it were left by a child who was playing with the toy. I focused on the figurine and the candlestick in the foreground and left the rest of the scene blurred so that the viewer would have to use their own imagination regarding the objects in the background. When I took the photo, I was very close to the subject, and at the same level as it was, in order to look at the scene in the same way that a child would.
Aboutness, Motivations, Methods: In creating this image, I hoped to engage the viewer to use their imagination. I created an imaginative scene, using a figurine taken from a fantasy book (The Little Prince). I also blurred the background in order to engage the viewer to draw their own conclusions about the image. I hoped that it would make them wonder what the elements in the photo were and why they were placed in that way.
Context: To me, this photo is about the loss of creativity that often accompanies the transition to adulthood. I personally have struggled a great deal with this loss of creative abilities, and I used this photo as an opportunity to exercise my imaginative powers.
Interpretation: The class interpreted this photo as being fun, playful, and imaginative. They did not appear to be familiar with the Little Prince character, so I think some of the context may have been lost.
Evaluation: Based on the evaluation, I think the photo conveyed the ideas that I had intended it to. I think I should have experimented a bit more with different angles of light.
Extension: I would like to continue to create and photograph whimsical playful scenes. I would like to create a series of photographs with toys as the main subjects.
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