Thursday, February 17, 2011

Contemporary Photographer - Esteban Pastorino Diaz

Biography: Esteban Pastorino Diaz was born in Buenos Aires in 1972. He studied mechanical engineering and graduated in 1993. Three years later, he became interested in photography. He studied commercial photography in Buenos Aires. He trained as an artist-in-residence in Greece, the Netherlands, Spain, and Finland.
Significance: In his photography, Diaz focuses on urban spaces, transit, and movement. He is well known for his aerial photographs of landscapes, and also for his photographs of night scenes.
Techniques: Esteban Pastorino Diaz uses several techniques to emphasize the difference between how our eyes, the mind, and the camera perceive reality. For his aerial photographs, he often uses kites to lift his camera to the desired height. He often constructs his own cameras to achieve the specific effects that he desires. He tilts the lens in relation to the film to give different effects.
Motivations: Diaz said "It is my intention to emphasize that the aesthetical decisions are made at the moment of defining the technical aspects of the process and not under control at the moment of triggering the shutter." and "to register the common aspects and the differences of these places in way that only the camera can do."

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