1. In what ways do you “construct” your identity? In what ways do you “perform” in your daily life?
I guess everyone constructs their identity by conforming to societal norms. I "perform" in my daily life by attending class, doing my homework, working, and doing other normal activities that I do not necessarily want to do, but have to do in order to fit into society.
2. Describe some ways in which your personal culture and social environments are “constructed”.
I guess my personal culture and social environments are "constructed" in the sense that I can make it whatever I want it to be. I can determine and "construct" whatever personal culture I desire. Also, social environments are "constructed" because they are made by the people that are a part of them.
3. Describe some ways in which your physical environment/space is “constructed”.
My physical environment is "constructed" because I alter and change it. I can arrange and rearrange my space however I want, and I can put whatever I want in the space and take things out as well.
4. In your daily life, what would you consider to be “real” and what would you consider to be “constructed/fabricated”?
In my daily life, I think things that are "real" are things in the natural world, such as trees, plants, animals, and the weather. Other things that are "real" are strong human relationships and feelings. Things that are "constructed" are things that are man-made, such as cities, buildings, clothing, and other material things. They also include false relationships, such as those found in the workplace, and societal hierarchies.
5. Describe a narrative tableaux that you might create to be captured by a photograph. A narrative tableaux can be defined as “Several human actors play out scenes from everyday life, history, myth or the fantasy of the direction artist” ( Constructed Realities: The Art of Staged Photography Edited by Michael Kohler , 34).
I think a narrative tableaux that I would like to create would be to get people to dress in costume and act out scenes from Greek mythology.
6. Describe an idea for a photograph that includes a miniature stage or still life. A description of such an image is “The tableaux reconstructs events as in the narrative tableaux, but in miniaturized format, using dolls and other toy objects” (Kohler, 34).
An idea for a photograph that includes a miniature stage or still life is to create a model of a house and place dolls representing family members within it. I would move the dolls around the house in order to create different scenes.
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